Dinging Deb

My Photo
Location: North Dakota, United States

I'm a middle age retired woman who likes a bit adventure.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Unexpected Visitor

Today I had an unexpected visitor! About 7am I heard a noise on my front porch, I thought it was the wind. Then about 8am I heard noises again. When I opened my front door I saw a rather large RACCOON hop upon my wicker chair and make himself to home.
I quickly called 911 and whispered into the phone "I have a raccoon on my porch"!
When our new (15 year old looking) cop came he asked "what would you like me to do"?
I new I was in trouble and hoped he wouldn’t take out his newly acquired gun and start shooting. I said "I think you should trap him, I have kids on 2 sides of me and if you shoo him away that’ll be where he goes".
I had to run off and drive the bus and when I came back he was gone and my sidewalk was wet, with evidence of my outside faucet having been used.
I’m not sure what they did and I guess I don’t want to know. But, boy did my day start out exciting!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Grandpa Candy

Grandpa Candy wasn’t his real name but when we said Grandpa Candy in our house everybody knew who we were talking about. Here are some of Grandpa Candy’s great traits:
1. Never knew a lemon drop he didn’t like
2. Kept a note book in his left chest pocket for notes like, today’s temperature, recent precipitation, who had a baby, and who won at Bingo.
3. Loved Sauerkraut Day & all the people who came to celebrate while eating it.
4. Taught me important German phrases like, v-gates, oiy oiy oiy, and mocks good.
5. Laughed (like me) many times in the middle of a good joke, missing the punch line.
6. Took coffee time very seriously, a required task.
7. Called everyone by name, cuz he could.
8. Said "if a car is due for an oil change –maybe it’s time to trade it off."
9. He once owned a bar, a gas station, a car dealership, and a farm, not in that order.
10. Had a sparkle in his eye, a smirk in his smile and a giggle in his giggle box.
Born 1912 and Died 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Days of our Lives on MY tv

I've got a new tv/cable company. It's threw my telephone company! I have been down on the whole thing. I think phone companys should do phones, and tv companys do tv, and computer companys do computer things.
But, of course there are exceptions. My telephone company has me hooked up with tv and computers. I have been a "Days of our Lives" fan since I was a kid and watched with my Grandma Johnson. My mom watches and my daughter watches too.
Well back to my little story. I just love this telephone company cuz they have "Days" on at the regular time of 12:30 each week day AND at 10 PM each evening. Isn't that great! So, now I never have to miss a show -I can always catch it before I go to bed.
I've been watching Sammy try and be a "good" girl and I've been keeping up with EJ and all his loves.
I just love this new digital tv too, I feel like I'm standing beside Nicole when she lies to her babies mama...gotta go the commercial is over.