Dinging Deb

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Location: North Dakota, United States

I'm a middle age retired woman who likes a bit adventure.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How do we serve those who have served us?

Every time I hear another story of a “Soldier who had been in Vietnam,” I think of my own Soldier. My 1st husband who was in Vietnam. I thought he was the most honorable Soldier ever. He served in Vietnam for 2 ½ years. He looked great in his uniform, his blonde hair cropped short, his muscles bulging and the softness of his eyes.
This latest story was of a veteran who carried a photo, and the memories of a war moment that it carried with it. The story told of this soldiers return to Vietnam and his meeting of a now 40 year old lady who had been in the photo. This moment had been 30+ years in the making.
Our Soldiers have some good, but mostly bad memories of war. The writer of this news story says “How can we serve the Soldiers who are serving us.” Now I wonder, what can I do? For many years I have been telling the story I know of my honorable Vietnam Veteran Soldier. This is all I have done. Has it been enough? What else could I do. I wasn’t there and the soldier I’m referring to was, but for the most part - he’s not talking. His memories have been filed away, deep in his mental filling system. On this Memorial Day/weekend I give him honor - I lower my eyes - I pause in respect, and pray a little prayer to God. “Please give him peace.”

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The toughest thing...

The toughest thing I’ve done ...lately.
Well a bit of a background. You all know we/I had a car accident 2 years ago. I lived threw it after screaming to God “I will pay you back, I will do anything-please, spare our lives.” Well, I since have run for the church council, and a bunch of other things, as the pay you back stuff. Well last fall I ran for council president, and won. This sorta brings you up to date. Well last year the council president didn’t do much of anything. NEVERTHELESS, this year our Pastor moved on to bigger and better things so we at the church had to find a new minister. So, I (the one with the big ideas *?) joined the call committee.
Well last Sunday I had to get up in front of the whole church (well over 1,000 people {ok maybe 250 people}) and tell them about our new candidate, and conduct a meeting and count ballots and all that stuff. Now I have never talked in front of a bunch of people. I tend to quit breathing, turn blue, and tip over dead as a dog. I have lived that scene over and over in my dreams. And this time was no exception.
There was a bit of campaigning against the call committee’s desion, and it kinda got my dander up. So I decided that I could (don’t know what got into me) speak out in front of the church. I thought I could express my/our viewpoint and sway voters to pass the motion to hire this new young very inexperienced minister from Minneapolis. Well I did it!!! I didn’t tip over and die. My knees weren’t shaking me off my feet. I mean I did what I had hoped to do and we voted to approve this man as our next minister.
It maybe doesn’t sound like a big deal to most of you, but for me this is just the toughest thing in the world. I hope God knows I paid him back now. I recon. tho, that he’s not done with me. M-M-M I wonder what he has in store for me next.