Dinging Deb

My Photo
Location: North Dakota, United States

I'm a middle age retired woman who likes a bit adventure.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I just got done reading a book "The Purpose Driven Life" a 40 day reading along with a group.

I was hoping to find "my" purpose for "my" life.

And, well maybe I did. But I’m in a hurry. I must hurry -life is short and I have so much to do. I need to read the bible more, help others more, spread the word more. And, well I got other stuff to do too. Like -sew an Easter dress for my granddaughter, make another jean patch work jacket, organize a "tour of Tables" at the senior center, get my taxes organized, get out my 1099's (they were due out by January31st) and my list goes on and on.

I remember my Grandmother saying the older she gets the faster time goes...man I’m feeling old.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Yipee ...25 years together

My old man and I just celebrated 25 years together. My idea of celebrating and my old man’s idea of celebrating is a bit different. Milo Hutzenbuler, the self proclaimed Strausburg super star, said he and his wife celebrated by going to a cattle sale, sitting in a good seat (one low enough to see the cows good), and having burgers delivered to them from the sales barn kitchen. Now, that sounds like what my man would call a celebration. -But I wanted to go out to a candle light dinner with friends in Jamestown. Ron was having none of it. “It’s to cold to leave town” he said. So I compromised. We had cheese fondue with apples, cauliflower, broccoli, and bites of steak at home.

Oh, by the way the gift I got was an ice fishing auger he won by buying two $1.00 tickets. My, have things changed in 25 years!

PS I love the ice auger...and my old man.