Dinging Deb

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Location: North Dakota, United States

I'm a middle age retired woman who likes a bit adventure.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Future?

Even as we attended Jason’s graduation all eves were on this cute little "dude" Dominic Don our youngest great grand baby.
We are hoping for the best for Jason! -as he walks off into the sunset holding hands with his girl friend with the red streaked hair. We do hope he likes college, does well, gets a good job & all that stuff.
"The future belongs to the youth" I heard in the graduation speeches. Maybe I’m looking to far into the future but time seems to move so fast.
It wasn’t that long ago I helped Cindy with her new babies. One, a gentle soul with patient brown eyes. The other with red hair, blue eyes and a colorful personality.
So, at Jason’s graduation party seeing GGpa Brandner exchanging giggles with Dominic and thinking about "the future" I realized I’m not thinking about 5 or 10 years down the road. I’m thinking of 15, 20, or 30 years down the road. I’m not thinking of the next family gathering. I thinking about family gatherings where I may be or old or to feeble to attend. I’m not thinking about our children or their children but rather I am thinking about our children’s children’s children.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bouquet of Tables

Bouquet of Tables, or Tour of Tables as it is better known, is a fund raising event. It’s where a host brings dishes, table coverings, & decorating for a table of 8 people. I helped 4 senior citizens with tables along with my own table. Our event had 17 different tables! If you know how I like dishes, you would know I was in dish heaven.
We had “Peach Lustre” –dishes that glistened & the hostess wore a corsage with a peach instead of a flower. We had “Autumn Leaves” that featured dishes with 4 different leaves. And there were leaves peppered around the table like confetti. We had white dishes with baby blue linens & napkins folded to look like flashing candles. I could go on and on but you get the idea.
But let me tell you the fun part- seeing the hostess’ with canes & walkers seated at the heads of their tables surrounded by “old buddies” all decked out in there best garb –with twinkles in there eyes...big grins on there faces..proud as peacocks at their accomplishments.
Most of these women have downsized to apartments but their “good” dishes and the wonderful memories they hold are some of the last things they let go of.
I was thrilled to help these gals gather their tables and more thrilled to see their eyes light up when the guests arrived for supper. ---oh yeah did I mention the food? That was very good too!