Sale Day
Hello, today is sale day for the 2005 Red Gelvig beef calves. I got up early, went and had breakfast with the guys and 6:30 and went off the round up the cows and separate off the babies. They will weight about 600 lbs. And to the Wishek Livestock Market I went. Gotta collect the money you know. And the calves brought great money. Between $1.49 a lb to $1.15 a lb. We sold 54, so the banker will be happy. I try to up load a picture so you can see my old man at the sales barn ( we was pretty intense). My man is usually sick for 2 days ahead of time -the guy just can't handle stress. I rolled my eyes back one time when he thought I wasn't holding the end gate right. He said WHAT- WHAT. I just had to walk away before I gigged at him. He didn't like that either!! He has no sense of humor on sale days.